Episode 11 - Brigid O’Shea - “Down Under”

October 23, 2020

In this episode, I speak with the Head of Dok Industry Programme at Dok Leipzig and founder of the Documentary Association of Europe (DEA), Brigid O’Shea about what brought the Australian transplant to Germany and the upcoming festival, the oldest documentary festival in the world. Because she is an Aussie, this week’s song is Men at Work’s “Down Under.”


[Photo Credit: Susan Jennichen]

[Image Description: Brigid, a white woman with long brown hair swept to one side, is pictured from the torso up. She wears a white t-shirt and black coat. She smiles at the camera. The dark colored brick background is slightly out of focus.]

Brigid’s Bio

Brigid O'Shea is an Australian native living and working in Europe since 2005. She started her career at the Berlinale Talents and continued to work for various Berlinale departments including the Co-Production Market and also the European Film Market. Since 2010, she's worked for DOK Leipzig and in 2015 became head of DOK Industry Programme, Germany's largest meeting place for the documentary industry and one of the most important markets for creative documentary in the world. She regularly tutors, mentors and creates training programmes all over the world for not only for documentary filmmakers and emerging talent but also human rights activists. She launched a new association for documentary professionals in 2020, DAE - Documentary Association of Europe. The organization’s definition of Europe is very wide and membership is open to all nationalities.

About Dok Leipzig

For over 60 years DOK Leipzig has been showing documentary and animated films from around the world. This unique combination of genres attracts more than 48,000 visitors to Leipzig every year. During the festival week, which usually takes place between October and November, numerous Leipzig cinemas and venues take part. Film screenings, symposia, special events and interactive exhibitions are all part of the repertoire to stimulate debate and celebration.

About DAE - Documentary Association of Europe

The Documentary Association of Europe was founded during the Berlinale in February 2020. It is primarily a member’s network made up of professionals working in the non-fiction film industry with the goal of strengthening and growing their networks, creating an abundance of opportunities and protecting their interests on a pan-European and international level. The second concern of the association is to create resources, programming and events to solidify these primary interests.

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Episode 12 - Bo McGuire - “Fancy”


Episode 10 - Jamie Starboisky - “Live Your Life Be Free”